Dear applicant,

Thank you for your interest in OFCM2024. We are sorry to understand that you are not selected for this programme. 
A note on the selection process: The selection process is extremely rigorous, involving more than 30 experienced people working almost 5 days, with multiple rounds of selection, before finalizing the selection lists. The selection procedure takes into account the eligibility, consistent academic performance, and the recommendation of your teachers. Since this is a national programme, we try to ensure that as many institutes, from as many regions as possible, are represented. We also pay special attention to remote areas, students from rural backgrounds, who do not get the kind of exposure or academic environment as their counterparts elsewhere. In order to do this, there are restrictions on the number of students that get selected from an institute, and from a region. 
You may have many questions on why you were not selected, and we do understand your desire to participate. However, if we have to keep answering hundreds of questions from students who were not selected, we would be too exhausted to continue with the programme.
I hope you will understand and support our activity in whatever way you can.
Opportunities for you: 
1.The video lectures of one of the six OFCM2024 camps will be available on the MTTS YouTube channel. Further information will be posted on the OFCM website ( You may regularly view these sessions, and thus still have a chance to avail some of the benefits of OFCM2024, that those who are selected will get. The videos will be posted once the session is over, and taken down in 24 hours.
2. If you are interested in attending future MTTS camps, you may visit MTTS website periodically to check for announcements regarding InitMath (Initiation into Mathematics) camps in your region, or the MTTS Summer Camp.
Thank you and Best wishes