Who may attend?
The talk is aimed at the third year B.Sc and first/second year MSc (Mathematics) students.
Organized by MTTS Trust
This is the fourth talk in the series of lectures to be organized under the title Online Open Mathematics Forum – An initiative of the MTTS Trust.
Prof. V. M. Sholapurkar
The lecture will be conducted through Zoom video conference platform. Only 80 requests will be accepted to join the zoom video conference lecture.
Others, who could not get entry in to the zoom meeting may watch it live at YouTube.
Try to login through zoom first using the credentials we give in this page. We will live stream this lecture only if there are more than 80 requests to join the zoom session.
To access the lecture, login to zoom client/application using your zoom username and password and use the following link to join the zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 851 9058 7201
Passcode: 314512
Lecture starts at 4:30 PM. Logins will be permitted during 4:15 PM to 4:30 PM.
(How to join zoom authenticated sessions? See the zoom help here.
We begin with some special types of real valued functions on [0, ∞) and the sequences obtained by restricting these functions to the set of non-negative integers. It turns out that these sequences are closely associated to the theory of operators on Hilbert spaces. In this lecture, we propose to discuss this association. In the process, we shall briefly describe the classical Hausdorff Moment Problem.
References :
1. J. Agler , Hypercontractions and Subnormality, J. Operator Theory 13 (1985), 203-217.
2. A. Athavale, On completely hyperexpansive operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 3745-3752.
3. C. Berg, J. P. R. Christensen, P. Ressel , Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups , Springer Verlag , New York, 1984
4. D. Widder, The Laplace Transform, Pinceton University Press, NJ, 1946
The talk is aimed at the third year B.Sc and first/second year MSc (Mathematics) students.