A Mini MTTS Programme will be organized at Assam Kaziranga University during 17th to 22nd December, 2019.
Participants will be provided with local hospitality and study material. Limited accommodation for selected outstation participants is available in the University hostel. Outstation participants will be provided Government bus fare/Sleeper class train sleeper return fare whichever is the least on production of original tickets.
Academic programme
There will be courses in Foundations, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis.
The resource persons would be
1. A.V. Jayanthan, IIT Madras
2. Arijit Ganguli, IIT Kanpur
3. Bhaba K. Sarma, IIT Guwahati
Second year undergraduate students with Mathematics as one of their main subjects. Exceptionally bright first year students also may apply. Students from the North East Region of India will be given preference.
Selection would be based on merit and recommendation from teachers.
Application Procedure
• Read the procedure given at http://mtts.org.in/training-programmes/student-applications-procedure/
• Please see the link given below to start preparing the application form online.
• At the time of registration, the students should produce a bonafide certificate from their institution and undertaking form. Format of these forms is available at http://mtts.org.in/downloads/forms-and-formats-for-students/
Registration Fee
There is no registration fee for the programme.
About the Institute
Sprawling across 50 acres of nature-enhanced campus, Assam Kaziranga University is a multifaceted educational centre of excellence. It was established under the Assam Private University Act No XII of 2007 under section 2(f) of UGC, with a vision of becoming a world class University, offering state-of-the-art education and research relevant to industry needs. The University comprises of six different academic schools.
The Department of Mathematics was set up under the School of Basic Sciences, with a vision to nurture young mathematicians. The Department offers three courses: Ph.D., M.Sc. & Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. in Mathematics. For more details visit https://www.kazirangauniversity.in