MTTS and most of the Mini MTTS programmes follow a uniform procedure for receiving student applications. In case a particular Mini MTTS programme follows a different procedure for receiving applications, it will be mentioned in the programme specific webpage itself.

Before starting the application process, check the eligibility criterion. Who can apply will be mentioned in the programme webpage itself. Also, some mini MTTS programmes would be restricted to a specific state or a region. To those programmes, only such students need apply.

Before applying, get the email address of a teacher acquainted to you, and who will be ready to give recommendation for you. Please check the email address for any spelling mistakes.

Before applying, make sure that you have completely read all the instructions below and all the instructions in the programme webpage.

Steps for completing the application procedure

  1. Visit the online application preparation system at this link or at the link given in the programme webpage
  2. Read the instructions at this link.
  3. Clicking on the Google icon or Yahoo icon (depending on which email address you have) login to the online system.
  4. Follow the “Fill your basic details” link. Completely fill all the required details.
  5. Come back to control panel using the link almost on the top of the page
  6. Use the link “See the list of fothcoming MTTS/Mini MTTS programmes ” to find the forthcoming MTTS/ Mini MTTS programmes. Select the one you are applying for.
  7. Fill all the required details in 3 steps.
  8. Generate the preview/draft application form. Across this form message like “Do not send this” will be printed. This form is only for verification of details entered by you. DO NOT POST THIS PREVIEW FORM.
  9. Carefully read the preview/draft application form. If there are any mistakes, please go back, correct it and regenerate the draft application form.
  10. Once you are satisfied with the draft form, and you have made sure that there are no mistakes, no omissions of marks, email address and phone numbers are correct, everything is perfect, generate the final application form. You will not be allowed to make modifications once you generate the final application form.
  11. Take a printout of the final application form+ recommendation form.
  12. Request the teacher whose email address you have mentioned in the form to fill the recommendation form for you. Also give him/her a cover to put the recommendation form in it and request the teacher to seal the cover.
  13. The application form needs to be signed by the head of your institution/ your department/ your teacher and you.
  14. The application form and recommendation form (which is already in a cover) should be put together in a larger cover.
  15. Send the form + recommendation to the local co-ordinator whose address would be mentioned in the programme web page (or below the application form itself) to reach before the last date mentioned in the webpage.
  16. Check the programme web page for selection list.
  17. For the Main MTTS programme, students whose name appear in the selection list should confirm their participation through the online application system before the last date for confirmation. They should also confirm by sending an email at the address mentioned in the selection information email they receive.
  18. For the Mini MTTS programmes students whose name appear in the selection list should confirm their participation through email to the co-ordinator before the last date for confirmation.
    1. The subject of the email sending confirmation should be “Accepting selection and confirming participation to the MTTS/MiniMTTS programme at ————–(venue name)
    2. The format of the confirmation email is available at
    3. Selection letter will be send to those students whose confirmation is received by the co-ordinator before the last date.