Math Club (of MTTS Alumni) in collaboration with the MTTS Trust is organizing an Online Lectures on Metaraga System: Geometry and Music on April 17, 2021.

Title of the talk

Metaraga System: Geometry and Music


Prof Bangere P. Purnaprajna


17 April 2021
Time : 8:00 AM
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Meeting details

Time: Apr 17, 2021, 8:00AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 2299 7148
Passcode: 073055

Abstract of the talk

It has long been known that there is a deep connection between Mathematics and Music. In this talk, Purnaprajna shows how modern algebraic geometry inspired by ideas and methods of Alexander Grothendieck sheds light on the connection between different genres of music. He develops a meta geometric framework which gives raise to the so-called “Metaraga system”; a system with its own grammar and syntax. This integrates elements of Indian and Western classical music, jazz and the blues. Moreover it gives rise to a music with no vantage point of east or west. Metaraga system’s mathematical underpinning lies in category theoretic algebraic geometry, and Grothendieck like topologies. The dictionary that is set up is both ways; music from math and math from music. This powerpoint presentation will contain both audio and visual elements to illustrate some of the thoughts mentioned above.

About the speaker

Purnaprajna comes from a important school of violin players in India. He had rigorous training under the well known south Indian violinist and a teacher of great repute HKN Murthy. HKN Murthy is the student of the legendary Indian musician M. S. Gopalakrishnan. In the last few years, he has been invited to give solo recitals in prestigious music festivals such as the Learnquest music festival in Boston, the Cleveland Music festival and the Toronto Music festival among other important venues. In recent years, he has come up with a meta musical framework, inspired by Grothendieck’s work on sites, to integrate various genres of Music. Together with multi Grammy winning director of Turtle Island string quartet, he has formed Purna Lokha ensemble. This ensemble was featured in concerts at the MSRI Berkeley, Asian Museum of Art at San Francisco, Lied Center of Kansas and 1900 Building in Kansas City among other places. The ensemble’s first CD “Metaraga” is due to be released by the prestigious label Origin Records in January 2020A. He is a professor of Mathematics and Music at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Purna’s music website is: